Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm a BIG BOY!!

Last week we got rid of the ol' crib and got Lincoln a big boy bed. I was really nervous about the tranisition but he has done great. We actually got bunk beds since we are having another boy...but only put one of the beds up. He loves to run and jump up on the bed and has only gotten in trouble once for getting into things he wasn't suppose to. :)

Here's a few fun pictures of Lincoln in the bath...he LOVES to take baths. He favorite toy is his Spiderman soap....He thinks Spiderman is Papa...Ha Ha!


Celeste said...

YEAH!! I am so glad you are blogging now....I hope you don't mind, I stumbled across your blog from Kass'. Cute page, you did a really good job! I am gonna add you to my friends list, if that's alright. So fun!! Can't wait to see more cute pics of Linc and soon the new sweet baby boy! Talk to you soon!

Christy said...

He is getting so BIG! We love you guys! Fun idea for the foamy soap.