Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bowling Night!!

So we decided to let Lincoln try a new adventure...bowling. I thought it would be kinda crazy what with a 2 year old and a bowling ball but it was actually fun and Lincoln had a blast. Half the time was spent hurding Lincoln off the floor when it was someone elses turn...he thought it was his turn everytime and was jumping up and down almost the whole night! Sorry the first pic is kinda blurry... he wouldn't hold still, he was too excited!

Heres a few super cute pictures of Ledger...he's finally starting to smile all the time. We love it!


Amy Eagleston said...

My boys love to bowl. So fun!

Krysta McClure said...

That is one heart melting smile!! Hope you are adjusting okay to being a mom of two. . . cute rooms!!

Seth & Erin Finch said...

Hey we found your blog!! That looks like fun, your boys are awesome! See ya around

Jess said...

Hey Lindsey!
This is Jessica Allred. Your boys are adorable! Cute blog! I thought Spencer paid our last dance payment and hasn't! So could you email me what we owe and you address so I can mail it(I lost your address and phone number???)! Sorry for the delay! My email is! Enjoy your day! :)