Friday, August 10, 2012

Dance Recital/Luke's Graduation

 Linc was in Recital this year. He totally loved it. Carson and Hadlie took too so it was especially fun for him.

 Lawson's first Recital...5 days old!! I know I'm crazy....

 Linc and Hadlie
 Linc and Sam
 Linc and Gogo
 Oh yeah!!

 Linc, Zoey and Ledger enjoying the seats in the house.

 Luke graduated when Lawson was only 2 weeks old. So crazy! We are soo proud of Luke. It has been a long road but so worth it and so proud that he has his Master's!! Love you babe!

 Love these boys!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love those recital pics. They brought back memories for sure! Congrats to Luke! What a stud!