Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summa Time Fun

This summer Linc played on a T-Ball team. He absolutely loved it. He watched Sandlot everyday to get ready for it. His first game he did so great...he was on second base running to third and mid-way realized that short stop was dressed like a skeleton and had his sweatshirt zipped up past his face...well-he took one look at that and ran right past third base and into my arms screaming. It took his coach to come and get him and walk him the home base. Needless to say, the Coach had to ran all the bases with him if Skeleton boy was in the field. Gotta love it.

Ledg and Zo

Loving the summer fun!

Cornish Clan and Searle Boys...Love them!!

We have spent many days at the park already this summer. Our cousins came from Texas and we loved playing with them!!

Racin down the slide...

Makin some Birthday cupcakes for daddy

Yum . . . lemons!!

Ledger, Zo and Linc

Love, Love, Love these boys!!

1 comment:

The Stones said...

They are such cute boys! Makoy had a blast playing ball with Lincoln. Lincoln was so cute to watch and did an awesome job. Cute post, cute kids!